Taxis are very essential for our everyday life and many people use them daily. If we only take under consideration the two capital cities of Greece, Athens and Thessaloniki, taxis reach up to 20.000.Professionals on this field, constantly search ways to upgrade their services towards their customers. Telematics become a very important piece of this puzzle.

This was our first project that we had to meet with so many different challenges. According to the source, we had to provide taxi professionals with different solutions.
Taxi drivers that owned the vehicle and work on their own, mostly wanted an anti-theft protection, or a chance to be seen from taxi companies in order to be even temporarily under their service, when needed.
Taxi owners that hired drivers to work on their vehicles, mostly wanted to monitor their employees and feel safe that they work properly.
Taxi companies wanted to improve their services, keep the customer updated for the arrival of their taxi, and at the end of the day, to have an overview through our platform to get statistics and see where there is still room for more improvement.
Skytrack’s experienced support team, worked towards all directions, offering instant solutions to each category. Most important part, is of course the ability for taxi professionals to communicate daily with our support team and get any kind of help, on the spot, since the nature of their job, does not give them the chance to stop their route and make their own adjustments on the platform, by themselves.