Sygchroni Metaforiki S.A.
Sygchroni Metaforiki S.A. is located in Argyroupoli, Athens, Greece and is part of the General Freight Trucking Industry. The company employs 102 employees at this location and generates $22.86 million in sales (USD). Two more companies belong in the Sygchroni Metaforiki S.A corporate family.
Sygchroni Metaforiki owns a large fleet, but having to serve a growling clientele means that they need to daily employ several freelancing drivers and their private trucks in order to meet their clients’ demands. Each of these freelancers had to be equipped and deployed in Sygchroni Metaforiki’s platform so that the fleet coordinator can assign and control each truck/driver as a part of the main fleet. The freelancers needed to be trained in using the platform in a very short time so they could fulfill their assigned duties.
Skytrack appointed several skilled engineers to Sygchroni Metaforiki’s depot and established a permanent installation spot. Freelancers could have their trucks equipped without spending valuable time. At the same time, they took a fast-track seminar and got familiar with the platform use on a basic level. That approach enabled Sygchroni Metaforiki to monitor and assign duties to all trucks in their fleet, properly, through the GPRS platform, regardless of the status of the truck (company owned/private) or the driver (employee/freelancer).