Mitsopoulos Farm is a family-based company founded almost 50 years ago. During these years they managed to develop, and add new activities, evolving a small company to a fully modern production plant. By applying innovative methods, moving ahead with professionalism and respect for the needs of the customer for safe and quality products, they created their unique branded meat, selecting well-bred animals and designing products of exquisite taste.

To ensure their product quality, while being distributed to their wholesalers and customers, Mitsopoulos Farm company, had to make sure that cooling conditions in their trucks would be appropriate. Complementary to vehicle tracking they also needed a reliable way to monitor temperature values of the vehicles’ cold rooms.
Mitsopoulos Farm relied on Skytrack to find the best solution available. We equipped their trucks’ cold rooms with EN 12830 certified Bluetooth sensors, that ensure the accuracy of every temperature indication. Thus, they could be certain that the quality of the meet delivered to their customers is be the same, as is when leaving the factory. This implementation provided Mitsopoulos Farm with a complete solution for their fleet management that met their needs.